
2008-08 Freshman Orientation (49 photos) by Matt Williamson : Photo Sharing System : Folder : Display Folder
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46136 46137 46140 46143 Playfair FOH Straight out of a Halloween horror movie. Jimmy on top of the stack. Jimmy on the speakers again. Me looking stoned. OC rockin' out. OC rockin' out. Fly prep. All chained up. MR Mr. Ward Ready to fly. Teddy cranking. Hunter cranking. 46174 46176 46178 Alright... let's fix that crooked shit. Goddamn crookedness. 46186 Important note: the subs at the bottom were centered along the sidewalk with the legs of the towers.  Yes.  That's right. 46191 46193 46195 46197 Andrew, our new 15 y/o member.  He cranks like a champ. 46201 One clue: ITS NOT STRAIGHT Child labor ftw.  I love how he has to get a work permit to get paid.  This guy is awesome. 46207 46209 Bward makes everyone stand behind the level for safety purposes. Bward makes everyone stand behind the level for safety purposes. 46215 He's just so darn strong. 46219
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Photos by Matt Williamson

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